Ansys Épervier Rouge |
Approbation de l’Intégrité de l’Alimentation Numérique

Ansys Épervier Rouge est le logiciel de l’industrie de choix pour le bruit de puissance et l’approbation de fiabilité pour l’IP numérique et les SoC jusqu’à 3 nm et construit sur une architecture de calcul élastique native du cloud.






RedHawk-SC | Review of Core Features





Debugging Static IR Drop | Digital Implementation




Integrated Electronics Reliability Signoff Software




Dynamic and static voltage drop analysis for full chip or IP signoff with Advanced Power Analytics (APA) to provide root-cause analysis for voltage drop and measure the quality of power distribution networks.

  • Electromigration (EM) is a serious reliability issue in power grid networks. The via array structures possess special EM characteristics and often suffer from Joule heating and current overcrowding, tightly associated to EM violations.
  • Through Redhawk-SC, power grid EM analyses can be developed to solve temperature variation impacts for the via array EM.
  • The computational models are based on the temperature-aware EM model, which imitates the effects of self-heating and thermal coupling of interlocked lines in a power grid.
  • In addition, current density and thermal-aware electromigration (EM)  analysis for both power supply metal and signal interconnect with statistical EM budgeting is provided.
  • Dynamic voltage drop (DvD) diagnostics identify switching aggressors and minimize the number of ECO changes needed to fix DvD timing issues.
  • Critical timing paths are analyzed with variable voltage SPICE accuracy using Ansys PathFX.
  • Embedded software contains explicit voltage drop calculator, which automatically adjusts to electrical circuit dimensions based on the wire size, distance, and anticipated load current.
  • Multi-scenario activity patterns provide comprehensive coverage to identify dynamic power supply noise and avoid voltage drop escapes that cause frequency loss.
  • These can be generated automatically (vectorless) or can be loaded by the customer (FSDB, VCD, etc.).
  • RedHawk-SC in combination with RedHawk-SC Electrothermal can analyze power integrity and reliability of  multi-die 2.5D/3D  systems.
  • This includes full thermal analysis and links to Ansys board/system-level tools and Ansys electromagnetic analysis.
  • In addition, RedHawk-SC offers a rich GUI interface to display results of its Advanced Power Analytics and to enable What-If analysis of a power distribution network.
  • It can also provide instantaneous feedback on the voltage drop effects of cell swapping and sizing for incremental  IR ECO fixing.
  • RedHawk-SC is built on the SeaScape big data analytics platform that is designed for cloud execution on 1,000s of CPU cores with near linear scalability and extremely high capacity with low memory per core.
  • Cloud native means ongoing integration and continuous delivery of software on dynamic, ephemeral, and autoscaling workloads.  Your product design deserves this level of dynamism as observability solution needs the ability to ingest telemetry from your dynamic and evolving ecosystem.
  • Our elastic observability providers engineers with unified and actionable usability insights  for your cloud-native tech stack, pulling all of your logs, metrics, and traces together, contextualized to your products core design needs.

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