Now Available: Ansys 2019 R2

More automation, improved functionalities, and better collaboration with the new Ansys 2019 R2 release.

The Ansys 2019 R2 update, released on June 4, 2019, offers several significant improvements in the Ansys Mechanical user experience, Ansys Fluent workflow meshing, Granta material capabilities, and much more.

Below are some highlights of the new update:

  • Discovery Live’s automation is even better, and electrical conduction simulation, coupled multiphysics, and instant validation and resurfacing of topology optimization results have been added.
  • Discovery SpaceClaim has new interactive meshing tools that enable you to create high-quality mesh directly on your model. The mesh ribbon uses the SpaceClaim tools paradigm to set up meshing parameters, generate a mesh and interrogate the mesh within SpaceClaim.
  • Discovery AIM adds nonlinear springs and a sharing tab for shared topology to aid in conformal meshing.
  • Workbench Additive now has options for powder elements, building on existing geometry, and performing stress-relief heat treatment simulations.
  • Several new capabilities for electromagnetics, including accelerated Doppler processing in Ansys HFFS SBR+ for radar in ADAS and autonomous vehicles, new TAU flex meshing technology, RF defense for wireless products, and a 3D component model library.
  • Tool qualification data for all Ansys SCADE Suite testing activities.
  • Enhanced Ansys Fluent now has a “wrapper” layer of mesh to significantly speed up non-watertight geometries, such as with a car’s external aerodynamics.
  • The Granta Materials Data is now embedded in Ansys Mechanical.
  • New physics-based GPU rendering, sound software, and a Driving Simulator in Ansys VRXPERIENCE.
  • Ansys Cloud now supports the HFSS solver in 2019R2. Icepak and Maxwell are available in beta. These solvers join the Mechanical and Fluent solvers which were already available.

For more information on this update contact us to learn more about the latest release.

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