Ansys License Server Information

Windows x64 Systems

These steps must be performed from the computer that has or will have the License Manager installed on it.

  1. Download the Windows x64 zip file.
  2. Open the file and run AnsRegSvr.exe.
  3. Enter your information on the form and press OK. (If you do not know your customer number or have a fax, leave those fields blank.)
  4. Press OK and then select Create File.
  5. Select a location and save the file.
  6. If you will have multiple license servers (not common) repeat this process on those computers.
  7. Return this file to your SimuTech Group contact.

Using the utility above is ideal and allows our team to process and issue your license faster. However, if you are having trouble using the utility, the following commands run in a Windows command prompt will provide the necessary information (submit a screenshot of this info to your SimuTech Group contact):

vol id c:
getmac /v

Linux x64 Systems

These steps must be performed from the computer that has or will have the License Manager installed on it.

  1. Download the Linux x64 tar file (LINX64.tar).
  2. Untar the tar file (tar xvf <tar_file_name>) where <tar_file_name> is the name of the tarfile.
  3. Follow the instructions in the README file contained in the tar file.
  4. Repeat this process for any other UNIX/Linux systems that will be license servers.
  5. Return this file to your SimuTech Group sales representative.

Using the utility above is ideal and allows our team to process and issues your license faster. However, if you are having trouble using the utility, the following commands run in a Linux command prompt (shell) will provide the necessary software information (submit all output):

ip a

Ansys Installation & Licensing Center FAQs


Software Download/ Installation

Step-by-step instructions on how to download, install, and uninstall Ansys software.

Ansys License Server

Procedures for obtaining data to create Ansys license keys.

License Management Center

An introduction to the different options and usages of the Ansys License Management Center.

License Server Change

Instructions for completing a license server change through the Ansys customer portal.

Ansys Hardware Recommendations

High-level recommendations for purchasing computing hardware for simulation purposes.

Remote Solve Manager Guide

Step-by-step procedures for setting up the various components of Remote Solve Manager.

Diagnostic Logs

Instructions on how to gather Ansys diagnostic logs when troubleshooting technical problems.

Rocky DEM Overview