Fighting Covid-19 with Ansys Simulation and Innovation

With COVID-19 defining the new normal with social distancing, quarantining, and working from home, this is an unfamiliar time for many of us. Since the beginning of this outbreak, ventilators have been a key focus as hospitals and elected officials scramble to replenish supplies. So long as we had enough of the devices, lives would be saved. “It’s all about the ventilators,” Gov. Andrew Cuomo of New York said in a March 18 press briefing, adding that the state could need up to 37,000 ventilators at the peak of the outbreak, compared to the existing supply of 3,000.

To contribute to the fight against COVID-19, SimuTech Group has collaborated with Rice University and MIT to help accelerate the efforts in improving ventilator performance.


Through simulation, real-world problems can be solved safely and efficiently. Simulation is not restricted to one industry either, as it can provide valuable insights and solutions into complex systems across all industries. With the Ansys simulation software, you get a comprehensive suite that spans the entire range of physics, providing access to virtually any field of engineering simulation that a product design process requires. The Ansys multiphysics simulation suite allows users to create virtual prototypes of their 3D-CAD designs operating under real-world multiphysics conditions. Ansys multiphysics solutions can help you examine these effects in any combination, achieving the highest fidelity solution to eliminate reliability problems, and design safe and effective products.


With the use of Ansys FEA and CFD simulation software, transient modeling was done to help assess, provide product insight, optimize, and increase reliability of low-cost ventilators. Ultimately, the goal was to help create a safer product that benefited patients, doctors, and hospitals. The FEA and CFD analyses are available in open source Ansys models. Trial versions of Ansys are available to download to modify or improve the design to meet your specific parameters.

Covid-19 Ventilator Simulation Product Advancement

To download the Student version of ANSYS:

Available Resource Files:
1. FEA. Structural model AMBU compression with frictional contact, fluid elements (not CFD), quasi-static and transient.
2. CFD. 4-way flow splitter for expanding Ventilator.
3. PowerPoint Summary of Project

*Disclaimer: SimuTech Group is not endorsing the use of ventilators as the sole resource of saving lives during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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