Gather Rocky DEM Diagnostic Logs

Gathering Rocky DEM diagnostic logs is often the first step required when troubleshooting any technical problems with the Rocky (ESSS) License Manager, which may be preventing you from running the software.

Rocky DEM Resource Page

The log files are gathered only from the computer running the Rocky (ESSS) License Manager. Below you will find instructions on how to gather these logs for submission to the SimuTech support team.

Gathering Rocky DEM License Server Diagnostic Logs

These steps must be performed from the computer that the Rocky (ESSS) License Manager is installed on:

Gathering Rocky DEM License Server Diagnostic Logs

These steps must be performed from the computer that the Rocky (ESSS) License Manager is installed on:

1. Click on the Start Menu > Search “ESSS Gather Client Diagnostic”
(or go to Start Menu > “ESSS” > “ESSS Gather Client Diagnostic”)

2. Right click and choose “Run as Administrator
• The diagnostics will run and will automatically open a Windows Explorer window in your Temp or Desktop folder.
• A file “” will be created in the Temp or Desktop folder.

3. Send the “” file to SimuTech Group support.


Related Resources to Ansys Rocky DEM Diagnostic Logs


License & Installation

Hardware Requirements

Diagnostic Logs

Rocky DEM Overview