



Ansys VRXPERIENCE Light Simulation | Optical Enhancement Software

Ansys VRXPERIENCE Light Simulation intuitively blends design and engineering processes into a single, unified workflow for engineering-grade light simulation.









Illuminate Your Design Prototype | Ansys VRX Light Simulation











The Gold Standard of Optical Enhancement Software | Ansys VRXPERIENCE Light Simulation



  • Import and export engineering data and optical components from Ansys Speos or any other optical engineering software into 3D design models, to accurately render optical light properties in Autodesk VRED.
  • Physically accurate lighting simulation in the design studio empowers you to preserve your design intent while simplifying visualization and simulation processes.
  • A intuitive workflow and user interface combining Autodesk VRED Professional with the physics-based light simulation capabilities of VRXPERIENCE Light Simulation.
  • Ensures data consistency and places physics-based lighting simulations in the design team’s toolbox.


  • The workflow automatically detects defects such as lighting uniformity or light leakage that cannot be discovered without optical simulations and validates lighting appearance design intent.
  • This accelerates the development cycle by empowering designers with on-demand optical simulations.
  • By integrating these simulations capabilities with designers, engineers save time by reducing the iteration process, speeding their product’s path to market.

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