
Rocky DEM FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions for Rocky DEM functionality and integrations.

By popular demand, SimuTech Group engineers have created a Ansys Rocky DEM FAQ page.  We provide answers to common questions, including particle types, advanced design set-up, post-processing, and sample file exports.  Relating to Ansys, solver integrations, program-to-product solutions consolidation, and process blending are also examined.

Yes, optionality is available. Any particles modeled in Rocky DEM have different friction coefficients, or other material properties custom-defined within Rocky.

Rocky DEM models solids, shells, flexible fibers and more. Virtually any shape or size 3D volumetric shape which can be imported in an STL format can be used as particle for bulk modeling and particle interactions within Rocky DEM.

Yes. Rocky DEM is tightly integrated with Ansys tools and can also provide 1-way coupling to other 3rd party FEA or CFD analysis systems.

Yes. Rocky DEM has its own proprietary solver technology and can also provide fully bundled or separate Pre and Post processing capabilities.

Yes! Rocky DEM provides multi-core solving.  More specifically, enhanced solving on 2 CPU cores out of box but can enable scaling to a virtually unlimited count of CPU.  Or, multi-core solving via GPU (highly recommended*) cores with associated licensing.

Rocky DEM provides solving on 2 CPU cores out of box. There are also CPU and GPU “packs” for multi-core processing. Because each model and hardware/software configuration is different, we recommend talking to our sales and technical personnel.

Yes! There are a number of sample files that help get you acclimated with the GUI and workflow.

Unlimited! As much as you have time and hardware to support. The greatest limiting factor in terms of particle count is solve time, which varies with each model and hardware configuration.

Run the following procedure on each system that you have designated to be a license server.













Additional Ansys Rocky Resources


License & Installation

Hardware Requirements

Diagnostic Logs

Rocky DEM Overview