Quick Tip on Insufficient Storage in Mechanical

Cleaning Up Hardware Storage in Mechanical | Pro Tips



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Hard Drive Storage Cleanup in Mechanical SimuTech Group

Figure 1: Temporary Storage during Solve in Workbench Mechanical

Insufficient Hardware Storage in Ansys Mechanical | ProjectScratch

Here is a simple tip concerning loss of hardware storage in Ansys.  As seen in Figure 1 above, a temporary _ProjectScratch folder is created when Workbench Mechanical solves. With large models and certain solvers, very large temporary files can be created, such as file.LN09 and file.osav in the directory listing above.

If a user stops solution prematurely or the solver is otherwise killed, these files may not be cleaned up, not even when data is cleared, the model is saved, and Workbench is shut down.

This can result in fatal errors in subsequent solves when the free hard drive space is consumed, usually at the end of a substep, with users left baffled as to what is wrong. This difficulty will be seen more often on solid state hard drives used for speed but lacking terabytes of storage.

Once a model is saved on the hard drive and Workbench is shut down, users can employ Windows Explorer to remove an unwanted _ProjectScratch folder on the hard drive, eliminating the lost hard drive space problem.

How can I solve the “insufficient memory” problem in ANSYS workbench?

  • Problem:  The solution is stopped with the following error when users assign a finer mesh.
  • Error Received: “Insufficient memory was available for the solver engine to obtain a solution. Try simplifying the model to reduce problem size. Please see the Troubleshooting section of the ANSYS Workbench Help System for more information.”
  • Common User Hardware Configurations:
    • RAM: 32 GB
    • SSD drive: free space = 280 GB
    • Virtual memory (total paging file size): 32 GB
    • In all conditions, The RAM works with the maximum capacity (32 GB).

User Response: I have read the section “Memory Management and Configuration”, but I am not sure if I’m changing the workspace and database in the right place.

Top Recommendations for “Insufficient Memory” Errors in Ansys Workbench

  1. Troubleshoot by attempting to vary meshing density and selection criteria. Try to dense mesh only in critical areas whilst in other make it rough.
      • In order for your computer to solve the model, the initial mesh should be sufficiently coarse. Locate the crucial regions next, such as the stress concentration region at the crack’s tip. On these crucial regions, you should concentrate mesh refinement. The quantity of elements or nodes has a direct impact on how much RAM is used.
    1. If this option is unsuccessful, consider increasing the PC’s memory or reducing the mesh size. As your elements become smaller, the dimensions of the matrix grow, requiring more memory.

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Finally, we hope that you can make productive use of our Ansys hardware optimization tips & tricks, and various solution pathways for your Ansys Mechanical models.  For more information, or to request engineering expertise for a particular use-case scenario surrounding hardware optimization, please contact us here.

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