Solve the Complexities of 5G Technology with Ansys Simulation

If you have not heard or seen the latest cell phone commercials on television, 5G is here! You are probably wondering what 5G technology is, how it works, and what role Ansys has in the latest and greatest technology. 5G technology is the next wave of intelligent connectivity and is expected to transform most industry sectors – delivering unprecedented consumer electronics performance; powering autonomous vehicles, smart connected factories and digital twins; and saving lives by bring ing doctors and patients together wherever they are physically located.

To the average consumer like myself, this means you will be able to quickly download, watch and send high definition 4K videos. Also, you will have the ability to connect more devices at once and not worry about spotty service when we are able to be in large, crowded areas again, like sporting event stadiums.

How it works?

With 5G, signals travel through new radio frequencies, which requires updating radios and other equipment on cell towers. Carriers building high-speed 5G networks must install tons of small cell sites, to light poles, walls, or towers, often in relatively small proximity to one another. Therefore, 5G technology is mostly being deployed in larger populated cities like Los Angeles and New York City.

5G Simulation Solutions

Before 5G can expand globally and deliver a consistent quality of service metrics, wireless systems designers and engineers must overcome sizable challenges. One of those challenges is understanding and solving the complexities of impeding device, network, and data center design. Through the Ansys electromagnetic analysis tools you can simulate different scenarios to overcome some of these barriers. Learn more in the video below.


With Ansys electromagnetic field simulation you can design innovative and electronic products faster and more cost-effectively. Ansys software can uniquely simulate electromagnetic performance across component, circuit, and system design, and can evaluate temperature, vibration, and other critical mechanical effects. Ansys high-frequency electromagnetics design software enables you to design, simulate, and validate the performance of antennas and RF and microwave components.

With Ansys tools like this, engineers can use simulation and system-level analysis to manage and improve the front-end designs of RF devices. Additionally, they can study and solve challenges associated with the device’s 3D physics and system integration. Other Ansys tools that are available include:

  • Ansys HFSS and  Ansys HFSS SBR+ will improve the design and installed performance of antenna arrays
  • Ansys Icepak will ensure the electronic assemblies and wireless equipment remain cool
  • Ansys SIwave will improve the signal integrity, power integrity and reliability of printed circuit boards used in servers and large data centers

To learn more on how Ansys simulations can help accelerate your 5G innovations to market contact us.

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