SimuTech Group, an Ansys Elite Channel Partner, adheres to the security programs and compliance standards set by Ansys. The Security program is the industry benchmark for engineering analysis software, along with the corresponding databases in which consumer and/or company inputs are stored.
Businesses depend on our team to secure assets, respond to security incidents, and protect their internal data. We believe customer trust is imperative; the information provided below outlines our current security programs and compliance standards.
Ansys guarantees a restricted access control following industry standards and with role-based authorization and constantly monitor usage to prevent any types of threats.
For more information from Ansys on Access Control, click here.
Ansys and its subsidiaries and affiliates take your data’s protection seriously. We are constantly improving and working with our partners to improve safety and meet the industry-leading safety standard. This includes:
For more information on Ansys data classification standards, click here.
Adherence to Global Privacy & GDPR Compliance is another core priority for Ansys.
Global privacy notifications, explaining to customers how Ansys processes their personal data, updated annually. (
For more information on Ansys Security protocols, click here.
Ansys Cloud uses proprietary methods and industry-standard to ensure data is encrypted at every step of the process (both during transit and at rest).
The Ansys Cloud Service application is deployed in multiple regions to ensure the best availability and worldwide data center security:
Our cybersecurity management follows industry guidelines, including ISO and NIST frameworks, for internal assessments. We work with many third-party evaluations and audits throughout the year to guarantee our customers market-leading certifications.
SOC 2 is an auditing procedure that ensures your service providers securely manage your data to protect the interests of your organization and the privacy of its clients.
Click HERE to download Ansys’ Cybersecurity White Paper for Ansys Cloud