Stress Concentration Modeling in Ansys Workbench Mechanical

Stress Concentration Modeling | Ansys Webinar

This webinar examines stress concentration in finite element models. We note meshing approaches that aid accuracy, and see that stress linearization helps in the development of stress concentration factors.

Assessing the Stress Concentration Factor using ANSYS

In the fatigue analysis, the nominal stress and the stress concentration factor are used to calculate the peak stress in the critical region of a structure (Kt). The Kt values are often extracted from manuals or databases performing stress concentration modeling in Ansys.

However, not all scenarios encountered in product development are covered by the data found in the literature that is currently available. For many complicated structural components, it is impossible to compute Kt using the knowledge and techniques described in the literature.

For a variety of structural analysis issues, commercial FEM tools like ANSYS are frequently utilized in the automotive and aerospace industries. A method for computing the stress concentration factor (Kt) using ANSYS is suggested in the accompanied webinar. The suggested method is compared to data from the white papers available.

Additionally, The Kt is assessed for a variety of real-world aerospace industry difficulties. The findings demonstrate that the FEA-based ANSYS methodology is a useful method for computing the stress concentration factor (Kt). The method is able to compute precise results for a wide range of real-world geometry and loading situations. The dependence on experimental and current conventional calculation efforts has been decreased, which aids in shortening the product development cycle time.

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