Using Ansys Mechanical to Calculate Fatigue Life

Ron Gagnon
Sr FEA Consulting Engineer
Fatigue & Fracture Expert

Mechanical fatigue is a VERY popular topic with the Ansys user community, with many engineers and designers attending our fatigue-related webinars over the past few years.

Luckily, all our fatigue-related webinars—as well as all recent webinars—are recorded and available anytime. Learn more about mechanical fatigue and how to use Ansys and nCode DesignLife to solve fatigue models in these webinars:

Mechanical Fatigue Webinars | Ansys and nCode DesignLife

Mechanical fatigue needs to be considered in lots of engineering designs. However, calculating fatigue values usually requires several assumptions that require knowledge and expertise beyond the typical engineering domain. Also, fatigue failures may be due to unique operating conditions and may not show up for years, possibly causing a significant financial impact as well as a blow to the company’s reputation.

In-House Expertise in Mechanical Fatigue and Fracture Mechanics



At SimuTech Group, our engineers offer considerable expertise in mechanical fatigue and fracture mechanics, with advanced knowledge of fatigue theories and how to solve fatigue models via Ansys software. We can help you solve any of these fatigue-related challenges through our training, mentoring, and consulting services.

  • Design for Fatigue:
    • Low-cycle EN (strain-life)
    • High-cycle SN (stress-life)
    • Random vibration and harmonic
    • Thermo-mechanical creep
  • Bolt Fatigue Calculation
  • Weld Fatigue Calculation
    • Seam welds
      • “Volvo” method
      • ASME BPVC Section VIII Division 2
    • Nominal stress method
      • AWS
      • BS7608
      • IIW
    • Structural hot spot stress method
    • Effective notch stress method
  • Fracture Mechanics

Feel free to visit our Fatigue and Fracture Mechanics Consulting webpage or contact us at (800) 566-9190 or to talk about your fatigue challenges.

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