
Ansys EMAG (électromagnétique) 103

Formation ANSYS Icepak en Électronique de Bureau

Aperçu de la Formation Ansys Icepak

Ansys Icepak provides flow and thermal management solutions for many types of electronic design applications. The primary goal of this Ansys Icepak Training is to cover the basics of using the software in the Ansys Electronics Desktop (AEDT) user environment. Students will be introduced to the world of electronics thermal modeling through a combination of lectures, workshops and examples/demonstrations.

Covered topics include:

  • Interface and modeling basics
  • MCAD and ECAD import
  • Flow and thermal boundary conditions
  • Meshing
  • Solver setup
  • Post-processing of results
  • Electro-thermal analysis


  • This course is designed for users who have little or no experience with Ansys Icepak in AEDT
  • A technical education/background in electronics and/or fluid mechanics and heat transfer is recommended but an engineering degree is not required

Who should take this course

  • Thermal engineers, Mechanical engineers, Electrical engineers

When you complete the course you will:

  • Receive an official certificate of completion with professional development hours that can qualify for the continuing education requirements upon renewal of a PE license in most states.
  • Become fluent in:
    • Overall capabilities of Icepak in Ansys Electronics Desktop (AEDT)
    • How to create or import geometry into AEDT Icepak
    • Setting up boundary conditions required to perform a thermal simulation
    • Best practices for creating a good quality mesh and avoiding common pitfalls
    • Solver settings, launching a simulation and post-processing the results
    • Running multi-physics simulations by coupling Icepak with AEDT electromagnetics solvers (Maxwell, HFSS, Q3D)
    • How and where to get additional resources and support

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Module 1: Model Building with Icepak in AEDT – Basics

  • Icepak Introduction and Overview
  • Interface and Modeling Basics

Module 2: Model Building with Icepak in AEDT – MCAD

  • MCAD and ECAD Import
  • Flow and Thermal Boundary Conditions

Module 3: Model Building with Icepak in AEDT – ECAD

  • Meshing
  • Solving and Post-processing

Module 4: Electro-Thermal Analysis with Icepak in AEDT

  • Electro-Thermal Analysis

Cours Recommandés | Lié à Formation Ansys Icepak

EMAG 101 | Mawell

Learn how to effectively use Ansys Maxwell to set up, solve and post-process the results from low-frequency electromagnetic simulations.

EMAG 102 | Ansys HFSS

Learn how to effectively use Ansys HFSS to set up, solve and post-process the results from high-frequency electromagnetic simulations.

CFD 301 | Ansys Icepak

Deploy the industry leading Ansys Fluent computational fluid dynamics (CFD) solver for thermal and fluid flow analyses of integrated circuits (ICs) and PCBs.