How to Extract Moments of Inertia for Point Masses and Simplify Your Model

Extracting Moments of Inertia for Point Masses in Ansys Mechanical Workbench

One question often facing engineers performing any type of simulation analysis is, “How can I simplify my model and still get accurate results?”

A case in point for FEA analyses: When engineers have a large assembly with multiple parts but are interested in the simulation results of only one of the parts, only the part of interest needs to be fully modeled and meshed. The remaining parts can be reduced to a point mass where their effects are accounted for, but they are not fully meshed. As a result, this approach significantly reduces the size of the overall model as well as the solution time. In other words, it is a much smaller model to solve.

While removing or suppressing parts is easy enough to do using ANSYS® Mechanical™ Workbench™, how to acquire data such as moments of inertia parameters isn’t as well-known. To assist the ANSYS community in gathering such data, we’ve created a Tips & Tricks video, “Extracting Moments of Inertia for Point Masses.”

Outro | Moments of Interia in Mechanical WB

This Tips & Tricks video is just one of the 300+ videos that are available on our SimuTrain® portal. If you find this type of information valuable, please contact us at (800) 566-9190 or to get your free trial of SimuTrain, and learn more than advanced computational methods to extract moments of inertia.

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