Webinar Name: Turbulence Modeling Best Practices in Ansys Fluent
Webinar Description:
Learn how turbulence model selection can impact simulation accuracy — even for seemingly simple applications. The demonstration highlights the relevance of adhering to turbulence modeling best practices, as it relates to competition in the sector.
Related Software Solutions
- Looking for a Computational Fluid Dynamics software to up your design efficiency through simulation? Check out Ansys CFD Software.
- Ansys CFD Software optimizes the efficiency of products and processes, along with predicting and controlling fluid flow.

Turbulence Modeling Examples
Single-Equation Models
- Spalart-Allmaras \sNut-92 \sWray-Agarwal
- Models with two equations: Menter k-omega SST
- k-omega Menter BSL
- k-omega Wilcox
- The Chien K-Epsilon
- Expressed Algebraic Stress K-kL k-omega
- Algebraic Stress Explicit k-kL
- K-e-Rt: Three-Equation Models
- Elliptic Relaxation combined with three equations:
- K-e-zeta-f
- Seven-Equation Wilcox Stress-omega SSG/LRR: Full Reynolds Stress Models Based on Omega
- Seven-Equation GLVY Stress-epsilon Turbulence+Transition Models: Epsilon-Based Full Reynolds Stress Models
Single-Equation Models
- K-gamma Two-Equation Models
- WA-gamma
- SA-AFT Three-Equation Models
- New SA-noft2-Gamma-Retheta
- Models with four equations: SST-2003-LM2009
Cases and Grids for Validating Turbulence Modeling
Simple Turbulence Cases
- ZP: 2D Flat plate with zero pressure gradient
- ML: 2D Blending Layer
- 2DANW: 2D A near-wake airfoil
- 2DN00: 2D 0012 NACA airfoil
- Axisymmetric Subsonic Jet (ASJ)
- axisymmetric hot subsonic jet (AHSJ)
- Axisymmetric Near-sonic Jet (ANSJ)
- Axisymmetric Separated Boundary Layer (ASBL)
- ATB stands for Axial Transonic Bump.
Extended Turbulence Cases:
- 2DZPH: 2D Flat plate with a high Mach number and zero pressure gradient.
- 2DBFS: 2D Step facing the rear
- 2DN44: 2D Airfoil trailing edge separation NACA 4412
- CC: 2D border layer with convex curvature
- 2DWMH: 2D NASA hump separated flow mounted on a wall
- Near M=7, ASWBLI stands for Axisymmetric Shock Wave Boundary Layer Interaction.
- Axisymmetric Cold Supersonic Jet (ACSSJ)
- Axisymmetric Hot Supersonic Jet (AHSSJ)
- 3DSSD: 3D Square supersonic duct
Additional Ansys Software Tips & Tricks Resources
- For guidance on Pre-Stressed Modal Analysis Linked to Nonlinear Static Analysis
- For support on Compiling and Loading User Defined Functions (UDFs)
- For Extreme Thermal Expansion Modeling in Mechanical
- For enhancing Autonomous Vehicle Hazard Recognition
- For advanced Analysis of Models Exhibiting Cyclic Symmetry
- Deploying *TREAD in Mechanical APDL to Read External Data
- For Replicating Base Acceleration in Harmonic Analysis
- Setting up Automatic Messages in Ansys Mechanical
- For Constructing Element Quality Plots in Mechanical WB
- For APDL Command Function Post-Response Spectrum Analysis
- Transient Thermal Analysis w/ Non-Physical Temperature Results