Ansys CFD Simulation Software

To optimize the efficiency of products and processes, predicting and controlling fluid flow is critical.

Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Software

Ansys computational fluid dynamics (CFD) solutions give you confidence in the optimal performance of your product even before you make the first prototype.

With Ansys CFD software, you can model and simulate all fluid processes, including fluid-structure multiphysics interactions. Projects well-suited to this powerful CFD software include automobile engine gas combustion, chemical solution movement through pores in a shale gas formation, jet engine turbine air passage, and heat transfer among printed circuit board components.


Dynamic Fluid Body Interaction (DFBI)

Contact for CFD Software

Ansys Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) | Practical Application

Single Phase, Non-Reacting Flows

Fluid flow simulations need comprehensive, accurate turbulent flow models. Choose Ansys CFD software solutions for any application, including steady-state and advanced scale-resolving models.

Heat Transfer

To provide superior analysis in heat transfer products, Ansys CFD software simulates natural and heat-forced convection, radiation, diffusion, and heat conduction in solids.

Particle Flow

Choose Ansys CFD software to solve a full range of fluids particulate systems, from dilute to frictional flows. Using a full range of validated, proven physics, Ansys experts have focused on particle flow simulation for decades.


Free Surface Flows (Multiphase)

Quickly and accurately model transient and steady phenomena involving immiscible fluids such as air and water with Ansys CFD simulation. Simulate sloshing, phase changes, hydrodynamics, maritime application wave loading, or liquid flows and heating.

Dispersed Multiphase Flows

Optimize your design for particle transport systems or air bubble injection systems with Ansys CFD software. Predict erosion rates in pipes and simulate complex phenomena such as slurries, bubbly flows, and fluidized beds.

Reacting Flows and Combustion

Optimize product performance, achieve fuel efficiency, and design faster solves with Ansys CFD software’s detailed, intuitive fuel models and best-practices methodologies. Achieve goals cost-effectively without increasing solution times.



Ansys turbomachinery simulation products are up to any challenge: radial and axial compressors, turbines, turbochargers, and many others. Engineers can predict particle erosion and design better centrifugal compressors, steam turbines, hydro turbines, and pumps.

Simulation Aircraft Icing

Icing is a critical aspect for the safety of aircraft design, but achieving regulatory certification takes time and involves icing tunnels, flight testing, and simulation models. Regulatory changes and awareness of high-altitude ice crystals and supercooled large droplets also impact time to market.

CFD Software for Architecture

With high rheology material, Ansys Polyflow is the gold standard of CFD software for architecture. R&D teams in polymer, metals, glass, and processing industries use Polyflow for strategic design.



Solve large-scale, complex CFD models more quickly and cost-effectively with Ansys High-Performance Computer (HPC) parallel processing. Ansys HPC operates at 80% efficiency with just 5,000 cells per CPU core, providing superior and proven scalability.

Fluid Structure Interaction

Engineers must understand fluid force impact on surrounding equipment and its subsequent performance. Choose Ansys multiphysics solutions to solve challenges in fluid-structure interaction.

Thermal FSI

Not controlling heat can cause safety problems and poor performance, but laboratory analyses can be time consuming and expensive. Save time and money with Ansys multiphysics solutions.


Offshore structures often have different requirements than traditional structures. Ansys Multiphysics Software provides the tools to accurately simulate the loads and effects of waves, currents, and wind-based phenomena.  Engineers can also employ virtual towing tanks to examine any flow or performance features such as hull resistance, self-propulsion, maneuvering, appendage shape, and vessel acceleration.

Conjugate Heat Transfer (CHT)

An improper understanding of thermal management can result in deformations or overheated parts. Ansys provides high fidelity solutions to predict performance for the widest range of fluid-solid heat transfer problems, including but not limited to conjugate heat transfer (CHT) and thermal fluid–structure interaction (FSI).

Cement Processing

CFD modeling can help to optimize plant design and operation in a variety of cement industry applications.  In-depth knowledge of fluid-structure interaction is often central to cement-related processes such as extrusion, blow molding, thermoforming, fiber drawing, glass forming, and concrete shaping.



Ansys Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Software Suite

Ansys Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Licenses | Multi-Software Bundles

CFD Enterprise

To benefit from all the computational fluid dynamic solvers that Ansys offers, choose the CFD Enterprise toolkit. CFD Enterprise offers full versions of Ansys Fluent, AIM Pro, and CFX to help you optimize product performance with well-validated physical modeling capabilities that deliver quick, accurate results.

Engineers use Ansys CFX for the most accurate, robust, and rapid simulation for rotating machinery such as fans, pumps, compressors, and gas and hydraulic turbines. Companies in the glass, metals, polymer, and cement industries can choose Ansys Polyflow for advanced fluid dynamics technology.

CFD Premium

Today’s experienced engineers need well-validated CFD results to analyze products quickly and thoroughly. With full versions of Ansys Fluent, CFX, and SpaceClaim included, CFD Premium provides accurate, quick, and robust results.

Engineers can simulate IC engine combustion performance with Ansys Forte. Simulate with nearly any type of fuel to quickly design high-efficiency, clean-burning engines that are fuel flexible. To ensure speed and safety for in-flight icing certification, Ansys FENSAP-ICE provides accurate, rapid aircraft icing assessments, along with other comprehensive analysis in the aerospace industry.