Acoustics Module for Ansys Mechanical Workbench

Acoustics Module & Bonded Contact | Ansys Webinar:

This one-hour technical webinar discusses several common methods for modeling bolted connections in an Acoustics module, within Ansys Mechanical Workbench. These methods can be grouped into four categories:

  • Use bonded contact to attach the parts (bolt not included)
  • Use beam elements to model the bolts
  • Use solid elements to model the bolts, but do not model the threads
  • Include the threads

Ansys Acoustics Module Simulation

A product’s audio output has a direct bearing on user experiences. Positive or negative, sounds evoke strong feelings that support brand identification.

Ansys Acoustics Simulation is a potent tool for ensuring ideal acoustics and a successful end product since it is challenging to forecast acoustic results, which means that even one technical error can have a significant impact on the final product.

Analyzing Acoustic Modules in Ansys Mechanical

Many engineers believe that Ansys Mechanical may be utilized alone to address solid behavior problems. The acoustics problem class, which is available with Ansys Mechanical Enterprise licence, is another category of issues that Mechanical can be utilized for.

Example of an Acoustic Module: Speaker and Plate

A flat plate placed 2 inches in front of a simplified speaker model to partially block the pressure waves was made as a demonstration. The sound pressure levels behind the plate and the total sound pressure distribution will be assessed using Ansys Acoustics.

We can simply generate a fluid domain in the empty space surrounding these objects using Ansys SpaceClaim’s Enclosure tool. In this instance, we’ll construct two enclosing levels. In order to calculate outcomes (often referred to as “far-field” results) outside of our mesh fluid domain, the outside enclosure will be defined. This is a practical method for minimizing the total number of nodes.

Acoustics Simulation in Ansys

Here, the outer layer should be at least three elements thick and thicker than one-tenth of the longest wavelength being studied in order to achieve numerical accuracy.

We will exclude the solid components from the final model as we are assuming that they are fully stiff for the purposes of this analysis.

In order to define the amplitude of our sound wave, we’ll generate a mass source excitation using the surfaces that make up the speaker’s face. Then, we’ll specify a range of frequencies to look at using the analysis options in our Harmonic Acoustics analysis.

We can produce a number of contour plots indicating distributions within the fluid inside the meshed domain (the “near-field”), such as the section view of sound pressure level showcased in this webinar.

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