Mesh Nonlinear Adaptivity (NLAD) Overview

Non-Linear Adaptive Meshing (NLAD) | Ansys Webinar:

Ansys Non-Linear Adaptive Meshing (NLAD) refers to the solution process in adapting to changing conditions during a nonlinear analysis.

ANSYS User’s Group | Non-Linear Adaptive Meshing (NLAD)

The ability to deliberately change a mesh during the solution, based on specific parameters, might be advantageous for many applications.

• Simulate difficult big deflections and distortions that are intractable otherwise.
• Boost the simulation findings’ precision.
• Mesh distortion is severe and irreversible.
• Inadequate mesh refinement

Non-Linear Adaptive Meshing (NLAD) Overview in Ansys

Mesh nonlinear adaptivity is entirely automatic, requiring no user input during solution, in contrast to manual rezoning.


Additional & New Features After 19.0 | Adaptive Nonlinearity (NLAD)

Support for the Solid 187 and Solid 227 10 node tetrahedral elements – A new option to enhance Solid 187 and Solid 227 elements through general remeshing.
Enable choices for combination criterion Support 3D fluid penetration with CONTACT/ENERGY/BOX/MESH in the same input.

  • MAP2DTO3D, or 2D to 3D analysis.
  • Back ANSYS distributed.


Non-Linear Adaptive Meshing (NLAD) | Correcting Mesh Distortion

Support tetrahedral elements with a high order 10 node only remesh the regions of distorted elements.  Specifically, caused by large deformation in Solid187/Solid227, to tackle the large deformation problems.  In addition, under conditions that would otherwise be intractable.  Moreover, this is determined by the expression NLADPTIVE,MESH,SKEW,VAL1,VAL2, where VAL1 stands for skewness and VAL2 for the Jacobian ratio.

  • If necessary, automatically regenerate contact, target, and surface elements.

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